
Selecting your Fitness Level!

Posted on by Ejnar Larsen, CEO & Founder

Once you have found your natural movement rhythm - your FLOW NUMBER - it's time to identify your Fitness Level. Choose from 3 levels for running and 2 for walking training. Only your own assessment counts. Your best guess is fine, and you can always change it later without problems and also switch between the different Fitness Levels depending on your mood and energy.
Let's first look at running – Fundamentally, you should take it much easier than you think!

Fitness Level 1 - Running:

You are a complete beginner and have never tried running before! Or perhaps you've had an injury, meaning you need to start extremely cautiously. It could also be that you are in top shape in another sport, but know that your bones and joints require a longer adaptation period when it comes to running. No matter how cautious your starting point is, we take you seriously! All ages and sizes are welcome. With as little as 5 intervals of 10-15 seconds of running spread over approximately 20 minutes, this level is accessible to anyone with two functional legs. Even you, who may never have dared to dream of being able to learn to run. At this level, you will also find training plans with extreme micro-progression. Here, the running intervals gradually increase by just a few seconds, based on your body's adaptation process.

Fitness Level 2 - Running:

For those who have run a little before and want to get back in shape, preferably without the usual discomfort. If you can run for 1 minute without a break, this is where you should start. Perhaps you've tried running before and just wished you could enjoy it, but you haven't cracked the code and succeeded yet.
This level is designed to help you and offers a good balance that makes it fun, challenging, varied, and enjoyable. The workouts contain many different elements that stimulate both the body and the mind. The design of the workouts means that you can repeat the same program many times and still get a good effect.
Fitness Level 2 also includes training plans with micro-progression, so you can feel yourself gradually getting better. The training plans can also prepare you for Fitness Level 3, should you wish.

Fitness Level 3 - Running:

For the experienced runner seeking new inspiration and variation. This level contains a large catalog of advanced, effective, and fun workout designs.
If you've been running for several years, you might have landed in a monotonous routine, leading to stagnation and lost motivation. In Fitness Level 3, you can certainly find some inspiring workouts that make running fun again, and you can probably also find something that will challenge you and make you better!
To start with, there will be a limited selection of structured training plans, but more will be added later. If you already have a running coach or your own training plans, you can often integrate the workouts from Fitness Level 3 into your current plans without any problems.
After looking at running, let's now explore walking.

Fitness Level – Walking!

Once you have calibrated and found your natural movement rhythm - your FLOW NUMBER - it's time to identify your Fitness Level for walking. Choose between 2 levels: one for beginners and one for the more experienced. As with running, your own assessment counts. Your best guess is fine, and you can change your level at any time. You can also switch between different Fitness Levels depending on your mood and energy.

Fitness Level 1 - Walking:

This level is ideal for both beginners and those who have just started doing structured cardio-walking. The shortest workout lasts about 10 minutes, making it easy to fit into any schedule and manageable for everyone.
At this level, you can expect workouts that are gentle but effective and that gradually improve your cardio fitness.

Fitness Level 2 - Walking:

For those who already walk regularly and are looking for more challenging workouts. This level is also ideal for runners who want to explore the benefits of cardio-walking. Fitness Level 2 builds on the basic elements from Level 1 but offers greater challenges. Here you will find workouts that combine different elements to stimulate both the physical and the mental. These workouts are designed to be repeatable multiple times, while still experiencing significant improvements in your fitness and overall well-being.
Both Fitness Levels for walking are designed to maximize the effect of your workouts, by applying running principles to walking and creating dynamic and adaptable workouts. These workouts can be used either as focused walking or as a supplement to running, offering versatility with a lower risk of injury.
You can freely combine workouts from both Fitness Levels and further customize them by adjusting your FLOW NUMBER to vary the intensity of the workouts.


Let’s Take Walking Seriously!

Posted on by Ejnar Larsen, CEO & Founder

We all have our unique rhythm that feels natural when we walk. Often, it is the technique that limits how fast we can walk naturally. However, when we find that place where the rhythm feels powerful, right, and creates a sense of FLOW, that's where we truly excel. This movement rhythm, where technique and natural pace align, is unique to you.

We call it your FLOW NUMBER.

All our workouts are designed to align with your unique FLOW NUMBER.

When you first start using FLOWRUNR, you will be assisted in discovering your FLOW NUMBER for walking workouts. You do this by moving to the rhythm of short sound snippets – either outdoors or even just inside your home.

Give it a few tries, and then choose the number you like best. If in doubt, choose the highest number that feels right – this is the opposite of running, where it's about finding the lowest natural rhythm. However, you can always change it later.

FLOWRUNR is for everyone. With walking workouts as short as 10 minutes, even the most inactive can participate. But there are also workouts for the more experienced athlete who wants to challenge themselves with higher-level walking training. Most people underestimate the impact of walking workouts with structured intervals and guided by a beat.

The walking workouts are especially suited to our ENTERTAINMENT feature, where you can listen to podcasts and audiobooks while being guided by a simple beat in the background.

Enjoy your walk!

Enjoyable Running Experiences!

Posted on by Ejnar Larsen, CEO & Founder

We all have our individual natural rhythm when we run, a state where everything feels just right, an experience we describe as FLOW. Your movement rhythm is as unique as you are, which we refer to as your FLOW NUMBER.

Our workouts are specially designed to sync with your unique FLOW NUMBER. As you start using the FLOWRUNR app, we will guide you in discovering your FLOW NUMBER. This involves moving to the rhythm of brief sound snippets, an activity you can enjoy outdoors or in the comfort of your home.

Give it a try a few times, and then select the number that feels most in sync with you. If you're unsure, opt for the lowest number that feels comfortable. Remember, it's always possible to adjust this later.

FLOWRUNR is for everyone. Whether you're a complete beginner, starting with sessions like 5x15 seconds of running over a span of 20 minutes, or a more experienced athlete looking for advanced workouts and new challenges, we are here to support you.

Enjoy your run!

Tips for Training in Cold Weather

Posted on by Ejnar Larsen, CEO & Founder

Perhaps you feel like exercising a bit this weekend in frosty clear weather. It can be a challenge to warm up quickly without getting completely exhausted, so the rest of the journey becomes too heavy. So how exactly do you do that?
Passive indoor warming up can be a good idea. It works like this:

Put on your training clothes.

Then lots of extra clothes on top, winter jacket, thick socks, hat, and gloves – yes, it may sound crazy, but it works!

Walk around indoors until you are really warm in your whole body, including feet and hands.

Now you're ready - take off the extra clothes, and off you go!
You can also be more active in your indoor warm-up, but it's perfectly okay just to relax. Regardless, starting warm makes for a completely different, wonderful experience. It's just much easier to maintain the warmth once you have it, when the weather is cold.

We have now opened up for a free week at FLOWRUNR. It's different, fun, and for all sizes and ages. Enjoy!

Introducing FLOWRUNR

Posted on by Ejnar Larsen, CEO & Founder

Happy New Year everyone,

Over the past few years, I have been deeply immersed in, and some might even say obsessed with, working on an app called FLOWRUNR, and this might be true. But now it's time to resurface.

We've just silently launched the first version for both iOS and Android. It's in its initial stages and a bit raw, as we've released it early with the intention of co-creating and learning from users like you who are willing to play. I promise it's fun and like nothing else out there. It would mean the world to me if you would take it for a spin or just help spread the word.

So, what is it all about?

We're basically reimagining the fitness journey in running and walking – and yes, we take walking just as seriously – by focusing on what truly matters: the joy of the workout.

At its heart, FLOWRUNR is built around two fundamental aspects:

1) Personalized Workouts:
To create FLOW, you and the workout need to match – completely! Our approach is to empower you to find the workout you need and adjust until it is just right. Suitable for everyone, from absolute beginners – starting with as little as 5x15 seconds of running or jogging – to seasoned athletes. By aligning the workout structure with each person's natural movement rhythm and fitness level, we create a foundation for achieving a state of FLOW.

2) Workout Execution:
The execution of each workout is enhanced by our unique blend of specially composed music and ambient voice instructions. This integration transforms even the most advanced workout designs into an experience that's easy, enjoyable, and effective. The music acts as a carrying wave, guiding you rhythmically through the workout, while the voice instructions provide gentle guidance. This synergy lets you enter a state of FLOW, transcending time and place. While we understand music is a matter of personal taste, our initial sound designs are just the beginning. Looking ahead, we plan to expand this aspect through collaborations with artists and music producers, continuing to innovate and enhance your workout experience.

If music isn't your preference, our ENTERTAINMENT feature offers an alternative. It allows you to effortlessly integrate your favorite podcasts or audiobooks with a simple ambient guiding beat and subtle voice instructions. This feature is particularly effective during our advanced walk workouts, but it's also a great companion for running sessions.

FLOWRUNR is entirely self-funded, so to sustain and improve the app, we're introducing a non-binding 1 week free trial, followed by a nominal fee of DKK 19 (USD 2.49) for the first month, followed by DKK 39 (USD 4.99) per month thereafter.

FLOWRUNR might not be for everyone, but it could be just right for you!